Committee Service

Committee Service

The VSPA staff is committed to participating in groups and activities where we can shape, advance, and influence strategic goals and resources for postdoc and visiting researcher affairs. Below is a sample of our current involvement at UC Berkeley, across the UC system, and in national and international organizations.

UC Berkeley Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost (EVCP) divisional leaders meeting

UC Berkeley International Engagement Policy Task Force

UC Berkeley International Activities Coordination Group 

UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor for Research Diversity Task Force

UC Berkeley Coordinated Community Review Team for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Misconduct

UC Berkeley Academic Labor Operational Response Team

UC Berkeley International Vetting Roundtable

UC Berkeley Graduate Council’s Advisory Committee on Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Professional Development

UC Berkeley Cal 1 Card Advisory Committee

UC Berkeley Basic Needs Work Group

University of California System-wide Postdoc Office Workgroup

National Postdoc Association

Graduate Career Consortium