Postdoc Diversity Data

Postdoc Diversity Data

The UC Berkeley postdoc diversity data below is collected by the University of California twice a year, in April and October. Visit the UC Workforce Diversity page to learn more about this demographic data.

Postdoctoral Scholars as of April 2023

Women 35.5%
Men 59.6%
Non-binary or unknown 4.9%
Percentage by Race/Ethnicity & Citizenship
Unknown 9.1%
Two or more races 1.9%
White 40.8%
Asian 38.4%
Native Hawaiian 0.1%
Hispanic/Latino(a) 8.2%
American Indian 0.1%
Black / African / African American 1.4%
Percentage by Age Group
under 35 years old 78.8%
34-44 years old 20.1%
45-54 years old 0.8%
55-64 years old 0.1%
65 or more years old 0.2%

Data source: UC workforce diversity
Filtered: Month-April; Year-2023; Campus-Berkeley; Service focus-General Campus; Academic categories-Postdoctoral Scholars; Age group-all