Campus Connections

Campus Connections

Campus Communities of Practice organizations work together to offer individuals the opportunity to become more involved in campus life. Here is a sampling of the campus groups you may find interest in outside your own area of research.

Communities of Practice


AppNet is a professional organization for employees of UC Berkeley who design, develop or deploy software. 


The Berkeley International Group (BIG) is composed of UC Berkeley faculty and staff who are invited to meet monthly to collaborate and participate in informal discussions related to the international work across UC Berkeley.


The Business Process Analysis Working Group (BPAWG) offers a forum for the discussion of business process analysis and associated methods, tools, and strategies. 


The Cal Assessment Network (CAN) offers the UC community a forum where like-minded colleagues can make connections, find support, receive training and share best practices on the topic of assessment including how to write effective surveys and metrics for data driven decision-making.

Campus UCD Group

The Campus User-Centered Design (UCD) Group is a community of practitioners dedicated to improving the usefulness, usability, and user experience of campus projects by teaching, training and providing expertise about user-centered design.


The Coalition for Education and Outreach (CEO) is a community of practice for educators, researchers, and practitioners working in science education and outreach based at UC Berkeley but membership extends throughout the Bay Area.

UC Berkeley Instructional Designers 

This group is a community of instructional designers who collaborate toward developing a shared knowledge around instructional design (academic and administrative) and its application at UC Berkeley.


Webnet is a voluntary organization for any affiliate of UC Berkeley who is responsible for managing websites, writes content for the Web, develops applications for the Web, and wants to exchange information, resources, ideas, and tools via email and people-to-people networks and meetings.

Additional Campus Connections

As one can expect at a large university campus such as UC Berkeley, there are countless numbers of student groups that offer an assortment of areas of interest. Filter through the many categories to find kindred spirits on campus. Underrepresented graduate groups in STEM come together to create community. Salsa and Irish dancing lovers find their tribes. Hiking, combat robotics, Minecraft, or unicycling at Cal? Yes, please!