VSPA Wellness Resources

VSPA Wellness

The VSPA invites you to join your fellow scholars for informal and fun activities during the year. Because we believe that wellness encompasses your physical, emotional, intellectual, and social lives, we have designed a series of offerings for you to join in, at a pace and schedule that is comfortable for you.

Please see below for details. Registration for these activities may be found on the VSPA Events Calendar.

VSPA Intercultural Courses and Coaching

International scholars and their partners are invited to participate in free classes to assist them in their transition to life in the United States. Individual and group counseling is also available. Both resources are offered multiple times throughout the academic year.

VSPA Feel Good Friday 

Keep an eye on the VSPA newsletters and Event Calendar to join your peers for lunch or fun activities! Meet new friends and reconnect with others. Past events have included free tickets to Oakland A's and Cal games, as well as the Alameda County Fair.

VSPA Visiting Researcher Fall Welcome Reception

Kick off the new academic year with a delicious and healthy breakfast provided by VSPA while connecting with visiting researchers from across campus. The VSPA Fall Reception is held once a year.